Showing: 1 - 10 of 24 RESULTS
How To Grow And Care For Hellebores White Hellebore niger
How To Do

How To Grow And Care For Hellebores

How To Grow And Care For Hellebores How to grow and care for hellebores, it is really very easy, add these beautiful, simple flowers to your garden borders this winter. These increasingly popular flowers are a mainstay of our winter gardens, adding a wide range of colours to the winter palette as well as being …

How To Make A Mediterranean Garden
How To Do

How to Make a Mediterranean Garden

    How To Make A Mediterranean Garden Today I want to give you some ideas and thoughts on how to make a Mediterranean Garden. If you have ever been on holiday or visited any Mediterranean country you will probably have some enduring memories of their plants, scents and natural design features. I want to …

Softwood Cuttings Technique Pots of Rooted cutting
How To Do

Softwood Cuttings Technique 6 Easy Steps

Softwood Cuttings Technique 6 Easy Steps Propagating new plants by the softwood cuttings technique 6 easy steps is possibly one of the most satisfying gardening jobs you can do. If, as I am you are gardening on a budget, learning to propagate new plants from your favourite shrubs is a canny way to save money. …

Fun Gardening Ideas For Children
How To Do

Fun Gardening Ideas For Children

Fun Gardening Ideas For Children   I am a strong advocate for engaging children in their outdoor surroundings, environment and gardens. There are endless fun gardening ideas for children that will help you as parents, teachers, grandparents and family to give children a sound introduction to the joys of gardening. I sometimes think in these days …

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