Showing: 1 - 8 of 8 RESULTS

Poetry From The Summer Garden

Poetry From The Summer Garden The Summer Garden Vibrant, every colour under the sun. Bursting with pride, exuberant ballroom gowns of frills and flounce. She’s a Débutante, she flirts and dances with the breeze; laughs and lifts her face to taste the gentle rain. Violet eyes of Summer skies, long flowing, bouncing curls the colour …


Welcome Home Spring

Welcome Home Spring Young, fresh, Exuding irresistible naivety; A melange of Eau de N’il Charmeuse and wild fern. Bubbling childlike giggles and twirling carousels, Immune to Winter’s depravity. Her fragrance is pink, peach blossom, bursting into bloom and sweet scented grass, but for all that there’s strength, determination and a warrior light in her eyes. Knowing …


She Is Winter… Poetry for Garden Lovers

She Is Winter…Poetry for Garden Lovers Alabaster skin, refined delicacy opalescent as Mother of pearl. Sapphire glints on ice, Silver locks, adorned with snowflakes all aswirl. Iridescent. Poignant, tinkling, musical laughter, Icicle fingers dripping diamonds, Sunlight sparkles brilliant; Blue topaz on Quartz. Deliciously cool nickelled light. Frosty, haughty, immune. Irresistible. She Is Winter… For more …


Autumn is Her Name

  Autumn Is Her Name She saunters in wearing sky high heels, auburn fired dresses. Titian curls and tresses swirl with a crisp cool breeze. Bedecked in amber, crimson, golden fury, winking jewels, emeralds, garnets, rubies. Eyes of jade, sparkling embers. Smokey, heated, earthy fragrance. She dances a coy rumba through the trees, shifts sensually, …


A Rose is not Rose…..

  A Rose Is Not A Rose The Rose and the Thorn… A rose has thorns as do we, grown for protection. Be wary, show respect, those thorns draw blood. I see roses in flower shops stripped of life stripped of thorns, stripped of protection, but they aren’t right…an aura of sadness surrounds them. Easier …


Every Day Stresses-Poetry For Gardeners

Gardening for Well-being, Why Gardening is Good for your Health. Every Day Stresses Every Day Stresses and every day strains plague us all but sit quietly in a garden, a slight breeze shifts the air, or work the soil ready to plant. Deep ,dark earth giving birth, tiny seedlings push through. Soft rain, warm sun, …



There There… I can sense it, just below the surface, buds about to break. Spires spike through pungent earth, Spring will birth her lovliness.                                                               …

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