Poetry From The Summer Garden

The Summer Garden


every colour under the sun.

Bursting with pride,

exuberant ballroom gowns of frills and flounce.

She’s a Débutante,

she flirts and dances

with the breeze;

laughs and lifts her face

to taste the gentle rain.

Violet eyes of Summer skies,

long flowing, bouncing curls

the colour of burnished gold.

Petticoat swirls…

and bringing with her

joyous days and sultry nights.

Voluptuous promises.


Hot and heady

Her Lovers delight.

Summer returns.

For more seasonal poetry from the Summer Garden, inspired by the seasons, nature and gardens take a look at Debutantes and Daisies: A Bouquet of Poetry © Louisa Owen. Poetry for Gardeners.

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