What to do on a staycation. Glamorous sofa seating in a garden.


What To Do On A Staycation

Many people are opting to stay at home during their holidays than ever before. Mainly due to the current travel restrictions.

More reasons therefore to entertain ourselves as well as we possibly can at home. I and many of us are very lucky to have an outdoor space we call our own. Gardens have become our solace and retreat. Read on to find out how you can make your outdoor space more user friendly at this time.


Question. What is a Staycation?

Answer. A Staycation is a holiday taken at home. Often with trips taken to places within your town or surrounding area without any overnight stays away.


The British political agenda and lockdown aside, there are a number of reasons for considering whether to holiday at home or head to a holiday resort.


It isn’t cheap to go away, particularly if you have children, holiday companies are notorious for bumping up the price during school holidays.


Holidays in the UK invariably involve being caught in endless traffic jams or crowded tourist attractions.

The sad necessity for heightened security at airports, ferry ports etc make the quick getaway not quite as quick as we might like.


With a bit of luck and a fair wind we might have another fantastic heatwave like 2018. Ergo, why travel to the sunshine when we can have some at home?

Well most of my ideas are low cost, some might cost that bit extra but they would involve the more permanent change to your garden. There is something here for every budget to help you turn your outdoor space into somewhere you would happily spend your holiday…

Who needs the Costa del Sol?

If you’re one of many people now opting to stay at home, you may also be wondering what to do on a staycation and with Easter coming up now is the time to plan ahead and make ready for a relaxing break at home.

Like me, you most probably wish to avoid crowds, traffic, noisy beaches and/or expensive resorts and I have a few ideas of how to make your stay at home one of the best, most peaceful, stress free and relaxing holidays you have ever had.


What to do on a Staycation

Tell me, what does your holiday mean to you?

What do you enjoy doing when you have some down time, away from work?

  • Picnics
  • Barbecues
  • Relaxing
  • Being pampered
  • Entertaining the kids
  • Soaking up the sun
  • Relaxing hobbies
  • Candlelit dinners
  • Camping
  • Meeting up with friends and family
  • Parties

I can’t think of any reason why you shouldn’t do all of the above in your own garden.


Your Own Garden Resort

Whether you are planning a romantic break for two, a family get together, school holiday projects or just want a staycation by yourself, you can turn your garden into your very own garden resort.

Long, hot, sexy, sunny days followed by sultry, balmy, wine sipping, candlelit nights are certainly fine by me and it’s quite straightforward to transform your garden.

What to do on a Staycation

I want to share with you a few tips and thoughts on how to make it look different to how it normally does with a few simple, imaginative, low cost ideas.

Well most of my ideas are low cost, some might cost that bit extra but they would involve the more permanent changes to your garden.

Of course, how much you spend depends on how luxurious you want your fantasy staycation garden to be.

There is something here for every budget to help you turn your outdoor space into somewhere you would happily spend your holiday… somewhere that has that atmospheric holiday mood.



How to Improve and Revamp Your Garden

Take a good look around your outdoor space and think about what can easily be improved and what can temporarily be altered, revamped or updated in order to add a bit of pizzazz. Maybe some different furniture or seating that is conducive to relaxation.

Lazing away a few hours reading or dozing in a gently swinging hammock springs immediately to mind.

Tidy up

Remove anything unsightly. Store garden equipment, garden tools and toys away.

Storage is essential but doesn’t have to be intrusive. There are lots of storage boxes that double as seats or planters for example.

Maintain Sheds and Summerhouses

Redecorate and maintain outbuildings.

Best Wooden Garden Storage Sheds Review


Summerhouses and sheds might need a lick of paint; try a new contemporary colour to give your garden a fresh look.

Take a trip to the tip with anything old, broken or things you no longer want or use.


Is your Garden Spring Time Ready? How to get your Garden Ready for Spring.

Summerhouses, sheds, garages and storage can all be spruced up with a clean and/or paint.

Chic up the humble wooden structures. All outbuildings can, with a bit of time be converted into a little hideaway for yourself or guests. Or turned into a play area for children.

Even the smallest sheds can be transformed into outdoor hobby rooms.

  • Sewing
  • Knitting
  • Art
  • Reading
  • Yoga
  • Wine tasting (my personal favourite)
  • Tea drinking

    Relax with a Cup of Tea and a Book


  • Make sure they are watertight and sturdy and carry out any repairs first
  • Install electric and good flooring
  • Add some ambient lighting and some heating
  • Personalise it with furniture alongside your choice of lovely accessories
  • Who enjoys a Spa treatment whilst on holiday?
  • Include a foot spa, heated blanket, aromatherapy and candles and you can have your own mini Spa
  • Hey Presto” you have a staycation garden room



Is there space to pitch a tent? Not only is this great fun for the kids but for yourself too.

As for that romantic interlude you’re planning? What could be nicer on a balmy summer evening than star gazing after a romantic dinner for two al fresco then sleeping out under the stars? To make your meal even more special consider ordering a meal to be delivered and served.

Go to town on your tent with lots of comfy cushions and rugs, lighting, warm cosy blankets, add a bottle of wine or cocktails.


Meals al Fresco

Eating outdoors is a part of being on holiday so lots of picnics and barbecues are in order.

Enjoy Al-Fresco eating

To ensure that meal preparation does not impact too much on your holiday time, think ahead and do the grocery shopping early on, stock up on all your favourite goodies.

Fill the freezer with picnic and barbecue supplies.

Get the drinks in.

Shop for that special meal or arrange for one to be catered for you.

Do any baking and time saving cooking prior to the start of your holiday.

A relaxing spot

If you have enough space in your garden arrange various areas for sitting, chatting and relaxing with several different aspects and views, this will give you the sense that you are somewhere else. You are giving yourself, your family and guests a variety of options of where to be in the garden.

Choose the sunniest spot and also one that provides some shade.

A couple of recliners under a tree will suffice. Alternatively a sun shade or gazebo.

Dining areas can be placed conveniently near to entry doors to the house or kitchen or within the barbecue area, with bowls of fresh fruit and herb containers. Or alternatively give your dining experience a more of a picnic feel by siting it away from the property.

Make these areas as relaxing as possible by adding cushions, throws and foot stools. Place potted plants and flowers around, particularly ones with lots of colour and fragrance.

Visit Furniture 123 today for a beautiful selection of comfortable seating, dining tables and low level tables.

Summer Flowering Bulbs A colourful addition to summer gardens.

Cue Lighting, Music, Fire-pits.

As the long summer days turn into evening dusk create some holiday ambiance with lighting and music. Whether it’s just a few of you or you’re having a party, lighting and music and possibly a fire-pit help to set the mood.    Visit here for a range of garden accessories

This doesn’t have to be anything more complicated than some candles, lamps or fairy lights and your favourite music playing.

Entertain the Children



Treasure Hunt

Outdoor Playroom

Water Fun

There are any number of outdoor toys and games that are absolutely great for keeping the kids entertained.

  • Trampolines
  • Swing sets
  • Climbing activity sets
  • Giants games such as Chess sets
  • Lawn boules
  • Croquet sets


Organise a Treasure Hunt

Turn the shed into an indoor playroom with toys, books, jigsaws, painting and colouring equipment and child size furniture with lots of cushions or beanbags.

On hot sunny days, children like nothing better than an inflatable paddling pool to splash in or you can create a water slide simply with a sheet of plastic and the hosepipe.

Please bear in mind that children should be supervised by an adult.


Relax Rewind Repeat

So if you’re staying home this spring and summer don’t feel that you are missing a holiday. Turn your time off into an opportunity to transform your garden into someplace you can enjoy by giving it a boost with some of my ideas.

Take a break, relax, rewind…repeat

Don’t be tempted or be talked into doing any chores, switch off the work phone and devices.

If you really feel a need to make a few trips out then visit some beautiful gardens. Royal Horticultural Society Membership

Enjoy your holiday. Gardens to visit near you.

I hope that my post has been an inspiration to help you revamp your garden to make it a lovely space for you to enjoy. Please share with family friends and on social media. Any comments on this or any previous articles please feel free to add them below, I enjoy hearing form you and I always reply.

Thank you.



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