Daffodils Is Your Garden Spring Time Ready, Daffodils


Is Your Garden Spring Time Ready?

As a gardener I am completely in tune with the seasons, in the dark winter there is less to do in our gardens and on cold wet evenings I love to cosy up in front of a roaring fire with a warm drink, perusing seed and plant catalogues, gardening magazines and books, planning what I would like to grow in the coming weeks and months. Is your Garden Spring Time Ready?
Here are some tasks you can be getting in with on dry days to ensure that it will be as ready as possible then you can welcome spring with open arms and enjoy it to the fullest.

Is your Garden Springtime Ready?


All those spring bulbs you planted in the autumn have been braving the cold weather for several weeks now, early mornings are beginning to feel brighter, days are getting longer and I don’t know about you but I wake earlier to cheerful bird song.

Spring is a wonderful time of year…but is your garden ready to showcase all your hard work?



Is Your Garden Spring Time Ready? – Maintenance Jobs 

As winter winds down and you start to be outside more often you will perhaps notice areas of the garden that need attention, paths, decking and patios need sweeping, clearing of winter debris and cleaning.Best Patio Cleaner. Sika Mould Buster, a review.

Fences, sheds, gates need to be inspected for weather damage and/or wear and tear. Repairs, cleaning and painting will help to keep them in good condition and prolong their life.

Late Winter Lawn Care

Lawns will benefit from being mowed and the edges trimmed when you have a few dry and sunny days. Keep off the lawn during any frost as walking on it whilst it is frosty will damage tender grass blades. I always feel that if you keep the lawn tidy then this gives a huge lift to the borders and planting areas around it. Ryobi OLM1833H ONE+ Lawn Mower, 18 V Review

Check all garden machinery such as mowers, hedge trimmers and strimmers to ensure they are all in safe, working order. Clean and sharpen hand tools. Order new ones if they need replacing so that you have all gardening tools to hand, ready to use.



All those lovely spring bulbs that are starting to come through now will be looking their best if their surroundings are looked after too.

Unfortunately, whatever the weather or season weeds continue to grow in copious amounts so digging out perennial weeds from borders carefully is another job that can be done now, taking care not to disturb bulbs or any new, delicate shoots on spring plants. Weeding now will give you a really good head start on having your garden looking ship shape for spring.

Start to prepare seed-beds, use polythene or fleece to cover frost free seed-beds to warm up the soil in preparation for spring planting

Pruning and Tidying Shrubs

  • Summer flowering clematis can be pruned this month, cut back all stems to new, healthy shoots.How to Grow a Clematis
  • Wisteria stems should be pruned back to 3 to 5 buds, this will help to encourage healthy growth and produce more flowers.
  • Summer flowering shrubs are pruned this month.
  • Cornus can be pruned hard back to the first 2 to 3 buds to encourage beautiful stem colour for later in the year.
  • Winter flowering Jasmine and Hardy Fuchsia


Clematis Montana

Spring Time Ready

With all of these jobs done your garden, borders and areas where you like to display groups of containers filled with spring bulbs will be looking their absolute best ready to showcase a profusion of colour and fragrance.Ideas for Spring Containers

This in turn will encourage you out into your garden more and more as the days become warmer and longer. 

And remember gardening shouldn’t be a chore. Spend a moment in quiet contemplation whilst in your garden, take a deep breath and enjoy the scents, the fresh air in your nostrils, your lungs. Listen to the birds chattering, a true herald of spring. A breeze rustling through the trees, its soft touch on your skin. Find joy within your outdoor space, relish it. Let Nature replenish your soul.



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Please post any comments in the box below, your views, questions and thoughts are always appreciated and welcomed. I will reply as soon as possible.

Thank you.

Happy Gardening



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