Ideas For Spring Containers

In my last post, Plants for Spring Colour  I briefly touched on Ideas for Spring Containers. Today I shall go into more detail and hopefully inspire you with some Ideas for Spring Containers for your gardens, patios, decked areas and/or windows.

It isn’t difficult to add some instant interest and colour to areas that sometimes are neglected or devoid of plants and flowers.

Who doesn’t love to see a container full of spring bulbs and/or spring flowering plants? For me it is a sight to gladden the heart and put a smile on my face.

Ideas For Spring Containers
Daffodils and Polyanthus

So let’s have a look at what we can plant… well… to be honest… pretty much anything.

Ideas For Spring Containers

Pick a Container, Any Container

What kind of containers can you use? This is of course entirely up to you, it’s your preference and taste.
There are so many options to choose from, whether you want contemporary, old style antiques, stone, terracotta, plastic/resin or novelty products.

There are endless possibilities to suit all tastes and budget. Any container that takes your fancy, just make sure it has some drainage holes in the bottom and that it is clean.

  • Terracotta – these are my favourite, the warm tones and textures of these pots, especially old ones seem to fit right in with any colour scheme. If you decide to invest in terracotta pots then choose frost proof ones.
    Terracotta Containers
  • Stoneware – these are very heavy and best placed somewhere that they can remain without having to keep moving them, once filled with plants they can become a wonderful focal point of interest.
  • Novelty Planters – any number of containers can be turned into planters, I’ve used old boots, watering cans, olive oil cans, the list is endless, basically anything that will hold a plant is adequate.
  • Wooden Half Barrels or Troughs – these make lovely planters in any garden, they come in numerous sizes, large ones are ideal for any plant that needs plenty of space and like the stone containers they make beautiful permanent features.
    Wooden Half Barrel
  • Plastic or resin – there are literally 1000’s of options.
  • Baskets… plastic, wire, natural products such as wicker, willow… new or antique, hanging or freestanding baskets look wonderful filled with any variety of plants… especially as the plants start to grow and trail through them.
    Hanging Baskets


Best Plants For Your Spring Containers 


So now you have chosen your container – what are you going to plant in it? Well, again the choice is yours.

At this time of year the spring bulbs are everywhere. Every time I go out I see daffodils, crocus, snowdrops, primroses flowering in the parks, gardens, road side verges. Why not bring a little of that cheer to your own gardens.

A Bowl of Gold Crocus

If you didn’t plant any bulbs back in the autumn don’t despair, garden centres, home stores, supermarkets and plant nurseries have 100’s of them to buy now. They are already planted for you and just coming into flower so now is the time to go and buy some. Transfer them to your container with compost and ‘Hey Presto’ you have a spring container that you can place anywhere that you can see it and enjoy it.

There are so many plants that are completely happy in a container given the right compost, and growing conditions. The beauty of containers is that you can provide your plants exactly what they need, be it full sun, shade, part shade, dry, damp, etc. For example, if you wanted to plant a camellia as mentioned in my last post… then you would use ericaceous compost, with some added grit to aid with drainage, you would place the container in a sunny spot and water where possible with rain water.

Pansies, Anemone blanda, Violas

A planter filled with your favourite flowers, foliage, and colour interest is a joy to the eyes and will cheer up areas that don’t have any garden planting.

Bellis and Polyanthus

Shrubs are also great Ideas for Spring Containers, choose any that are flowering now, most of them are happy in large containers. You just simply put the container in the right place. I will stress here that if you are planting a large container then put it in place first as they can be very heavy once filled with compost, plants and water.

Herbs are fabulous to have in a container by the kitchen or on the kitchen window cill, they give the added bonus of fragrance and they’re edible too!

Various Herbs

Colour Scheme Ideas For Spring Containers 

Once again the colours are purely your taste and choice, bold, bright reds, yellows and oranges really brighten up a dull area. A pastel palette like white, pinks, pale blues, lilacs, soft yellows and peach offer a more subtle colour scheme.

Bright Cheerful Colours

Or try something completely different, purple, blues or even a dramatic black and white combination.

Three contrasting colours look really dynamic or several shades of one colour look softer, both ideas offer instant colourful impact. Flower Garden Colour Combinations

How To Plant Your Container And It’s Aftercare

So now you have the essentials… plants, compost and container.
Selection of plants
Here is what to do.
First make sure that the container has drainage, put some crocks in the bottom (broken pots or crockery) small stones, pieces of polystyrene work too.
Add the compost, leaving enough room to add your plants and to back fill.
Arrange your plants in the container, using taller plants either in the centre or to the back of the container, add smaller or trailing plants around the sides and back fill any gaps with compost, firming in around the root balls.
Leave a gap at the top of the container of about an inch to an inch and half.
Water well.
Ideas For Spring Containers
How To Plant Your Spring Containers
My preference is to then add a layer of decorative stone chips/ grit. This looks attractive and helps with water retention.
Sit back and enjoy your container of spring plants.
Keep them looking fresh by watering enough not to let them dry out. Remove flowers that are finished, this encourages more flowers and will keep your plants looking great for longer.
Saxifraga, Arabis rose, Ophiopogon niger








Just do it… Instant Impact!

I really hope that this inspires you to go ahead to plant up a container with your favourite plants adding instant impact to your garden or patio area. They look great by the front door too, or anywhere that you will see them from a window.
Please share with your friends and family and on social media.
Add your thoughts to the comments box below, I always reply as soon as possible.

Happy Gardening


Ideas For Spring Containers
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