A Rose Is Not A Rose
The Rose and the Thorn…

A rose has thorns as do we,

grown for protection.

Be wary,

show respect, those thorns draw blood.

I see roses in flower shops

stripped of life

stripped of thorns, stripped of protection,

but they aren’t right…an aura of sadness surrounds them.

Easier to handle I grant you…

their feistiness is missing,

their natural beauty diminished.

They aren’t the same fascinating rose one admires in a garden

and so…discarded.

In a vase, petals droop, colours fade.

Admired only while their freshness lasts

But nurtured, loved…thorns and all;

beauty everlasting.

Don’t try to change me…a rose without thorns is no rose at all.

©️ Louise Owen


Debutantes and Daisies by Louisa Owen

How Do You Grow Roses: Secrets to Success


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