Plants For Spring Colour. Bright pink camellia flower.
Spring Gardens

Plants For Spring Colour

Plants For Spring Colour Welcome Spring with Open Arms Spring is on her way…at least she is here in the UK. I want to talk about some staple plants for spring colour, perennial plants and shrubs that will soon start to give glorious colour, fragrance and joy to your spring garden and with love and …

Fields and natural hedgerows, best plants to combat pollution in your garden

Best Plants To Combat Pollution In Your Garden

  Best Plants To Combat Pollution In Your Garden Pollution Absorbing Plants for a Greener Garden, making your outdoor space, brighter, cleaner and better for you. What are the best plants to combat pollution in your garden? Certain plants absorb pollution and noise more effectively than others so let’s take a look at how you …

What Jobs To Do In The Garden In February. Robin sat on a terracotta bird feeder what jobs to doin the garden in February
Garden Calendar

What Jobs To Do In The Garden In February

What Jobs To Do In The Garden In February February is the month for romance, even the birds and the bees will agree, so what better way to celebrate with your loved one than visiting gardens in your area and garden centers to find some inspiration or just sit back and read this article together, …

How To Grow And Care For Hellebores White Hellebore niger
How To Do

How To Grow And Care For Hellebores

How To Grow And Care For Hellebores How to grow and care for hellebores, it is really very easy, add these beautiful, simple flowers to your garden borders this winter. These increasingly popular flowers are a mainstay of our winter gardens, adding a wide range of colours to the winter palette as well as being …

Best Small a greenhouse heaters. Two greenhouses with winter protection

Best Small Greenhouse Heaters

  Best Small Greenhouse Heaters   Why Heat Your Greenhouse? Use a best small greenhouse heater to keep your greenhouse frost free and suitably heated in a cost effective way. Maintaining sufficient ventilation and warmth whilst retaining light levels is key to protecting your plants through the winter. Using Horticultural bubble wrap on the greenhouse …

How To Plant Spring Flower Bulbs.Tulips and muscari, how to plant spring flower bulbs
How To Do

Step by Step Guide How to Plant Spring Flower Bulbs

  Step By Step Guide How To Plant Spring Flower Bulbs Follow my Step By Step Guide How To Plant Spring Flower Bulbs for a successful, colourful display that will be the envy of your friends, family and neighbours. One of the nicest September through to December gardening tasks is planting all those lovely spring …

Shows autumn foliage trees

What is the Best Leaf Blower?

    What is the Best Leaf Blower? I have researched the Best Leaf Blowers for you, these are my choices. These are all cordless leaf blowers which makes them environmentally-friendly and easy to use without having trailing cables and without the need for any extension cables. Autumn is a time of loss and renewal. …

Visit RHS Bridgewater Gardens

Visit RHS Bridgewater Gardens

  Visit RHS Bridgewater Gardens Part of my holiday this year was to visit RHS Bridgewater Gardens, so, on a warm sunny September morning I drove into the car park at RHS Bridgewater, and experienced my first “Wow” moment of the day. There were many more such moments throughout the day. The welcome building is …

Gardening with heirloom seeds and plants.Basket of heirloom vegetables. Gardening with heirloom seeds and plants

Gardening With Heirloom Seeds and Plants

  Gardening With Heirloom Seeds and Plants Gardening in recent years, has become a saving grace for a lot of people, myself included. You achieve an even bigger sense of calm and satisfaction when gardening with heirloom seeds and plants, in this article I will explain why. If you are lucky enough to have an …

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