Showing: 11 - 20 of 41 RESULTS
Hardy Climbing Plants. Flowers of the evergreen clematis Freckles

Hardy Climbing Plants

  Hardy Climbing Plants Hardy Climbing plants are vines…vines have a growth habit of climbing, sending out runners or trailing. They twine or send out hooks, some will climb on their own, others need a support such as a wall, fence or host plant. Some vines will grow as shrubs if they cannot find suitable …

Hostas, plants that like a shade garden.

Plants That Like A Shade Garden

Plants That Like A Shade Garden   We all have a shady corner or aspect in our gardens and whether you are looking for plants for a whole garden that has a North facing aspect or for planting under trees and hedges in a small shady area, then these plants that like a shade garden …

Top 7 Gardening Trends 2021. Wild flower meadow. Top 7 Gardening Trends 2021

Top 7 Gardening Trends 2021

Top 7 Gardening Trends 2021 There is one thing that stands out from my Top 7 Gardening Trends 2021 and that is that they reflect people’s growing interest in gardening in general. I am not the kind of person to always follow fashion religiously, particularly when it comes to gardening. There are too many lovely …

Unusual Gardeners Gifts

The Best Unusual Gardeners Gifts

The Best Unusual Gardeners Gifts I have thought of gadgets and tools, quirky ornamental gifts and growing gifts that I would love to receive and I am sharing the best unusual gardeners gifts with you. It’s coming up to the busiest time of year for the giving and receiving of gifts. Christmas will be upon …

Fantastic Foliage Plants. Fuchsia pink and lime green Coleus leaves. Fantastic Foliage Plants For Your Garden

Fantastic Foliage Plants For Your Garden

Fantastic Foliage Plants For Your Garden I don’t know about you but when I first started gardening, I was all about the flowers, instant colour and impact, as such I never considered fantastic foliage plants for your garden. I bought plants that were in bloom, a trick garden centres use to reel in the unwise. …

Wildflower Garden Ideas

Wild Flower Garden Ideas

  Wildflower Garden Ideas At this time of year, pathways, hedgerows, woodlands and verges are full of colour from wildflowers which give us plenty of inspiration for wild flower garden ideas. Their nectar rich blooms open with the aid of Nature’s perfect timing to coincide with hungry bees and pollinators who are waking up and …

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