How to build a website for dummies


How to Build A Website For Dummies

I first decided that I wanted to know how to build a website for my gardening business about 12 months ago. I wanted a beautiful website that was user-friendly, one that would attract visitors to read further about gardening.

I was also starting to think about my future income and how to earn an income online. As much as I love my work, running my own garden maintenance company is hard, physical work.

People often ask me for advice and tips about gardening issues, clients obviously and also on social media. So I thought, why not have my own website?


The concept of using Horticultural knowledge to create a gardening website
The concept of using my Horticultural knowledge to create a Gardening website



Gardening I know about, plants, bulbs, seeds are my forte and getting my hands dirty in rich earth. I prefer to be outdoors than in.

Computers and IT are completely foreign to me, how am I going to manage to find time to learn how to build a website?

I worried also that I didn’t have the necessary funds to buy the professional services offered by website building companies. Going this route can cost thousands of £££ depending on what you require in terms of how the website is going to work for you and your business. So this option was out the window straight away.

I do not have any technical experience or knowledge in terms of what is required to create a website for free so I set about doing some further, extensive research.

I was looking for ways of how to create a website for dummies. (me being the dummy!)

I soon realised that I would have to learn how to build a website for free.

That’s quite a daunting prospect and for a long time I put it off, using all sorts of excuses.

I can’t do this.

I don’t know how.

Where do I even start?

I don’t have time…

How To Build A Website For Dummies

My research led me to several companies advertising their website building programmes.

GoDaddy was one I looked at. I even went so far as setting up an account, buying a domain and email.

Then promptly came to a sliding halt, for me, a complete beginner, I found that the online tutorials were not detailed enough, everything went right over my head.

I also found that the fees for renewal of domains etc after the first year were too expensive for me to be able to justify.


Vistaprint was another,

I use Vistaprint for all my business stationery and calendars and have always been extremely happy with their service and products.

But once again, for a website, it was too expensive with little help in building a website yourself.

Then I came across Wealthy Affiliate, a good friend of mine pointed me in their direction.

I have to say I did the research on Wealthy Affiliate but still was not convinced that it was the right choice for a novice with no technical experience,  an IT dummy like me.

I mean what the heck is affiliate marketing?


“affiliate marketing”


  1. a marketing arrangement by which an online retailer pays commission to an external website for traffic or sales generated from its referrals.


Several months on and I took another look at Wealthy Affiliate, I’m happy that I did.

I came to the realisation that not only could they teach me how to build a website for free but that I could create a professional and profitable website.

I joined the free membership and I have never looked back.


My free membership with Wealthy Affiliate gave me access to free training modules to get me started, I followed this training to the letter…my website was up and running in a few days.

Yes! That’s right, just a few days.

You get two free websites on the Wealthy Affiliate domain hosting site which is siterubix.

Your website is built using WordPress. The training modules take you step by step in your own time, showing you how to create a website on WordPress.

Each module is broken down into easy, bite-size pieces which include videos and written information followed by a feedback and question section, which for the most part I found easy to follow and implement. Anything that I didn’t understand I just did the training module again until it sunk in.

Learn how to create beautiful websites

What is a Niche?

First of all, I had to learn what is niche marketing. This was all gobbledegook to me, a completely new language… I learnt also how to choose a niche… basically a niche is what your website is about.

There are millions of niches to choose from of course, the advice is to choose something you’re passionate about, that you want to share with others.

My niche is gardening, which is highly competitive, I could narrow it down to hundreds more topics within gardening. The possibilities are endless.

Perennial plants

Perennial plants for shade

Perennial plants for summer


Evergreen shrubs


Spring bulbs

….and so on


Music can be narrowed down to:


Recording equipment

Digital music

Vinyl records



Any Hobby is a Niche

Quilt making






How To Monetise Your Website

I learnt also how to monetise my website with Amazon, Google and ads from affiliates connected to my niche.

The great thing with this sort of marketing is that I don’t have to have an online shop, or payments on my website, or any headaches connected to selling…

I am simply driving the retail sales to other garden supply sites that advertise on my website. Simple.

Learn how to make money from something you’re passionate about.
Grow your Online Income

I was so impressed by the training, feedback and support from other members that within a week I had upgraded my account to  Premium membership.

This can be paid monthly, six monthly or yearly and is unbelievable value for your money.

Get Started Today

With Premium Membership Comes Premium Support.

As well as the outstanding training, chat room support, questions answered, feedback and your own profile and blog within the WealthyAffiliate platform, you also get Top drawer domains IE .com domains and up to 50 free websites and further training courses including live Webinars

I have found it all to be second to none.

In less than three months I have gone from knowing zero, zip, nada about websites to owning my own profitable online marketing business.

Several friends on social media who know 100% more than me about IT have been complimentary about my website… that gives me encouragement and a really great “feel good” feeling.

You Too Can Build Your Own Website

If you have ever remotely thought about how to create a website then please do take a further look.

This whole process has been an extremely steep learning curve for me but If I can build a profitable website then so can you.

As with gardening and growing plants, I have planted the seeds of my online business, paid attention, nurtured and cared for them.  Now I can watch them grow and flourish into a beautiful, strong and healthy income. So can you.

All I ask as a small courtesy, that when you have done your own research and further reading, then please do come back to my website when you decide to sign up for the free membership to give Wealthy Affiliate a try and click on any of the links in this review or on my homepage. I will be with you every step of the way to help and advise you.

Thank you.

Please share this review with your friends and family and on social media…they would like to learn too about this online opportunity.

Start your free membership here and begin building your online business now.

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