Funky Veg Kit By Plant Theatre. Box of fresh vegetables Grow your own easy vegetables and fruit


Top 12 Easy To Grow Vegetables And Fruit

There are many reasons to start your own, easy to grow vegetables and fruit at home. It’s more satisfying, homegrown produce tastes delicious, no miles, no need to go shopping, no added chemicals, organic, grow your family favourites, good exercise, motivation for children to garden, gardening is good for your mental and physical well being and it’s good for the environment.

There is no shortage of the veg you can grow, in fact regular, experienced vegetable and fruit growers will tell you that they often have a surplus of great tasting produce so we can add, share some with family and friends, make chutneys, jams and other preserves and fill the freezer to our list of great reasons.


What Are The Easiest Vegetables To Grow?

If you’re a beginner please don’t be daunted, the following vegetables and fruit are very easy to grow from seed or small plants and you can start doing so right now.

Even if you have very little outdoor space, you can grow most of them in pots and containers. Use wooden or plastic boxes if you haven’t any garden planters. Cherry tomatoes, strawberries and salad greens can be grown in hanging baskets as can a range of delicious herbs.

Potatoes, carrots, parsnips, beetroot can be grown in sacks even, so don’t worry if you cannot get holds of garden pots, use what you do have and improvise.

Start seeds and onions sets off in trays, recycle the packing trays from bought vegetables as seed trays or indeed any shallow plastic trays. Margarine/ice cream tubs etc can all be re purposed for sowing seeds in, just put some holes in the bottom for drainage.

You can use any clear plastic trays as lids- et voila!- a ready-made propagator.

Or read my Electric Heated Propagator Review to find which are the best propagators to buy.


Grow Your Own Easy Vegetables and Fruit

My Top 12 Easy To Grow Vegetables And Fruit

Funky Veg Kit By Plant Theatre. Box of fresh vegetables Grow your own easy vegetables and fruit
Top 12 Easy to Grow Vegetables and Fruit

Salad Greens

Sow seeds in two week intervals from spring and throughout summer for crispy, fresh salads leaves. Choose cut and come again leaves and grow a tray of them on the kitchen windowsill for freshness all summer. Try these funky veg kits for salads, herbs, tomatoes and many other easy grow vegetables kits.


Cherry tomatoes are absolutely one the best homegrown veg for flavour and the scent of the fruit, for hanging baskets or patio containers choose Tumbling Tom, Cherry Falls or Sweet Aperitif for masses of great, easy to pick salad toms.

Just feed and water.


Direct sow beetroot outdoors from March and you can harvest delicious veg from July. Easy to grow and maintain they are delicious in salads or as a cooked, warm vegetable.


Radishes germinate and grow quickly, sow in two week intervals for a summer long supply. French Breakfast is a popular variety. The leaves add tasty flavour to salads.


Strawberries can be grown in strawberry planters, pots or sacks. You may need to net them to keep the birds from beating you to these sweet, tasty fruits.


Plant rhubarb crowns either in spring or autumn when there is no chance of frost.

Easy to grow, reliable varieties are Champagne, Delight and Raspberry Red.

Healthy rhubarb plants will crop for many years, so they are one of the best value for money to grow.


Sow seed potatoes in potato sacks or any large container or straight in to the ground from February to April, as new shoots appear cover them with compost, if growing in bags continue to do this with new growth until the bag is full. Water well in dry weather. Potatoes will be ready to harvest when all the foliage has died back, from about July onwards.

Swiss Chard

Sow chard straight into pots or direct sow in the ground from March onwards, very easy to grow and low maintenance. The colourful plants look great in borders, pots or a veg garden. Plant in a sunny spot and water well.


Courgettes can be sown indoors from mid April, then the healthy plants can be transplanted outdoors when all danger if frost has gone. Provide a sunny site and keep them well watered. The flowers are edible too, the fruits can be harvested from July.


Sow peas from March to June, they will be ready to harvest from June onwards. Pick ripe pods regularly to generate more to grow.


Plant runner bean seeds from April to July, directly outside. They are vigorous plants and require sturdy supports. When the beans are ready, the more you pick the more will be produced. Keep them well watered.


Plant onion and shallot sets in trays indoors or plant them directly outdoors in well drained soil in spring and then plant a second crop in autumn. Once the foliage has yellowed and died you can lift the onions, dry them out in the sun then store them.

Very low maintenance, they look after themselves.



For further help and guidance on how to grow vegetables from seed read

How to grow plant seed 5 Easy Steps

Growing vegetables is a brilliant way to encourage children to start gardening, they can see results almost straight away which keeps their interest and enthusiasm going. More Fun gardening ideas for kids

Why is gardening good for you? Read my article Gardening for well-being why gardening is good for your health to find out why.

Be inspired to grow your own and taste the benefits that homegrown produce affords. You don’t need lots of gardening know-how, that’s why I am here so that I can help and encourage you. Neither do you need a huge garden or vegetable plot, as you can see, veg and fruit can be grown in many different containers on a kitchen windowsill, a patio or balcony.

Grow salad Greens, herbs, tomatoes and more all year round with an hydroponics grow kit, take a look at the stylish AeroGarden Miracle Grow Kit.

Make a start today, I can almost guarantee that you will get the ‘grow your own’ bug and will soon have produce that you will enjoy cooking and eating; it’s a healthy option. You will soon be planting vegetable garden like a pro.

Please share this article with friends and family and on social, let’s get everyone growing their own vegetables.

Use the comments box below for any questions or thoughts, I always reply as soon as possible.

Happy Gardening

Thank you.

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