English Cottage Garden Design


What Is National Gardening Week About?

Whilst talking to clients this week and then friends over a coffee at my local garden nursery I was surprised to be asked “What is National Gardening week about?”  Well, for one thing it’s about bringing more awareness to folks about the importance of gardening, preserving gardening traditions and practices by passing on our knowledge to new gardeners but also it’s about getting together and simply enjoying gardening.

National gardening week started 8 years ago and is run by the Royal Horticultural Society.

This year 2021 it runs from April 27th to May 2nd. It is an event designed to introduce more people to gardening, encouraging them to take part in this most beneficial and satisfying pastime.

It is an ideal event for families to spend quality time together with other experienced or novice gardeners to learn more skills, swap gardening know-how and find local garden clubs or communities to join.

It comes at a good time of year to kick start the gardeners amongst you that need a bit of encouragement to get out in your gardens after winter and the rather unsettled start to spring.

You can gain inspiration as well as some insight from other gardener’s ideas and knowledge.www.rhs.org.uk


What Is National Gardening Week About?

There is invariably a different theme each year. In the past we have celebrated “grow your own”

The emphasis is on growing your own vegetables and fruit, whether by working on your allotment, or indeed setting the first steps in motion by applying for an allotment at your local council.

Growing veg in your own garden from seed

Or just growing some fruit and vegetables in containers on the patio or pots of herbs and salad greens on your window sills.

What is National Gardening Week About?

Making a start is the key thing and I can promise you, once you have tasted homegrown tomatoes, potatoes or strawberries for example, you won’t want any shop bought ones ever again…be warned…you will be hooked on veg growing.  A great selection of vegetable seeds, fruit trees and plants can be found here.

National gardening week intends to show that Everyone has the space, no matter how small to grow some of their own vegetables.funky-veg-kit-by-plant-theatre 

Gardening for your health and wellbeing is also a key message that is included in gardening activities and events.
More of you are starting your own gardens and or gardening for the first time, you will find so much invaluable information, guidance, tips and friendly advice by following National Gardening week and by getting involved as much as you are able to.

The Benefits Of Gardening

As you may already know if you have read any of my previous articles, I am a strong believer in two things within the world of gardening.

  1. Gardening is so good for you.

Both physically and mentally. The huge sense of well-being that is gained from gardening or spending time outdoors with Nature is, for me, unparalleled.

I cannot emphasise enough the benefits derived from the physical work of gardening, lawn mowing, trimming, pruning, digging or scarifying lawns for example all add to our physical fitness by improving muscle tone and aiding in weight loss.

It’s so much more enjoyable and definitely cheaper than a workout in a hot, sweaty, crowded gym too.

I love the old saying “Gardening is good for you and you get tomatoes!”

Cherry Tomatoes


2. Teaching Children about Nature and Gardening.

Children, from a young age can be shown all manner of wonderful things in the garden, they also will derive a lot of pleasure learning about plants and how to grow them. It is important, I believe, that they learn where their food comes from too, so let’s engage them in growing their own vegetables.

They will be more inclined to eat plenty of fruit and veg if they have helped to produce it. Kids love being outdoors and the allotment or garden is a great, fun and educational playground for them.


Other Benefits of Gardening are:

  • It brings a community spirit to villages and towns
  • Environmentally beneficial
  • Restores and helps wildlife
  • Eco friendly
  • Provides habitat, food and shelter for wildlife.
  • Eating homegrown vegetables and fruit is healthy.
Teach children the joys of gardening.

Public Involvement In National Gardening Week

Local gardens, schools, colleges, gardening clubs and communities are all more than welcome to get involved with the Nations biggest celebration of gardening.

Advertise your National Gardening week plans so that everyone in the local community are made aware of how they can join in, learn, attend your gardening events or help out.

All events are encouraged by the RHS…you can register your event on their website too.

Many online events are available too.

Hold Your Own National Gardening Event

Allotment Open Day

Open the allotment to the general public, showing them how the space works, meet fellow gardeners, recruit new allotmenteers, show off the produce, show the huge diversity of what can be grown.

Sell produce to make funds for allotment improvements

Encourage children to grow some vegetables.

Salad greens.

Picnic at the Allotment.

A great day, involving everyone and their families at the allotment,

Picnic food can be made from homegrown produce.

A few games for the kiddies.

Homemade Wine tasting for the grown-ups.

Homemade jams and chutney tasting and prizes.

Prize for best kept plot.

Allotment Picnic

Turn a Waste of Space into Your Community Garden Space.

This one needs permission applications to the local council but once you get the area you apply for, you can have great fun with friends and neighbours turning a disused space into a beautiful community garden, whether it be for growing veg, flowers or creating a wildlife garden.

What ever you agree to do you can develop and share your own lovely garden to enjoy.

Community Garden.

Hold a BBQ Cookery Demonstration using HomeGrown Produce.

This is a fabulous way of sharing what can be cooked and made from homegrown veg and fruit.

It will encourage more people to become involved with gardening.

A nice social event for everyone to enjoy.

BBQ with home grown vegetables

Garden Open Day.

Hold an open day at several gardens within your town or village.

Open days are informal invitations for visitors to see private gardens they wouldn’t ordinarily be able to have access to.

It heightens awareness of the benefits of gardening and offers inspiration and encouragement to others.

Garden Open Day

Organise a How to Grow Veg from Seeds Demonstration.

Recruit a number of able gardeners to do the Demos, How to Grow Plant Seeds. 5 Easy Steps

Sell tickets to raise money for community gardens.

Include a seed swap too.


FundRaising Events with proceeds going to local Gardens schemes.

Coffee mornings

Afternoon teas

Bake sales

Raffles and prize draws

Plants sales

Seed swaps and sales.


Gardening Is Not Cancelled

So come on everyone let’s get involved, help or teach others about gardening, learn about gardening yourself with family and friends, organise a great community event to encourage more people to garden.

Discover the joys and health benefits of gardening or being outdoors in nature’s beautiful green spaces and how it can be a huge inspiration. Maybe you don’t have any space outdoors but you can still grow small veg and herbs in pots or indoors with AeroGarden Miracle-Gro Gourmet Herb Growing Kits.

I would love to hear about your plans for gardening week events.

Share photos and plans with me by adding your comments below.

If you have found this article useful and enjoyable please share with family and friends.

Happy Gardening !



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